Thursday, September 20, 2007

These Past Two Weeks

I've had several of you ask me if I was alright since my Blog has been quiet. Thank you for caring.

These past two weeks have been surreal.

I don't know where to start except from the beginning.

On our way home from Edgar's Acres, and while waiting for the ferry, I got a phone call from John. He called to tell me that his good friend had died suddenly. What do you say to your son when he loses a good friend. I felt so helpless. This time Mom couldn't kiss the pain away. The whole week was spent in a bit of a fog. Frank and John came up that weekend and the memorial service was on Monday. We all were in shock, and will miss this young man, especially John.

After the boys went home, David and I started our grieving process. This young man had been coming over to the house for years and we had come to love him as a good friend. We love all of our sons' friends, they are a wonderful group of guys. They are like an extension of our sons.

Losing someone when you are at a young age is so hard. I lost my Dad when I was 29, and lost him suddenly. In our twenties we assume we will be here on earth for many years. We also assume all of those important in our lives will be here with us. It hurts when it doesn't work out that way. There are questions we will never have answers for.

We will miss this young man, and are grateful for having known him.

I was knitting through all of this. Knitting was my saving grace. It kept me stable and calm when I needed to be. I was able to focus on growth (albeit rows of knitting), and on baby sweaters.

Last weekend we went down to Portland to see Mom. She's doing okay, but we noticed she is looking much older, and frailer. She was also disinterested in the dogs. This is big. She loves dogs, and loves our dogs, especially Louie. This visit she just couldn't be bothered with them. The dogs knew this too. It was hard for them to understand, but they did. We did enjoy our visit with Mom, and we had a great time with Steve and Judi, so the trip was a good one. I also got a LOT of knitting done on Saturday because the 3 hour trip took 5.5 hours because of traffic. I slept on the way home on Sunday.

Then I had to come down with the bug that is flying around everywhere (which explains why I slept on the way home on Sunday instead of knitting). I missed work on Tuesday, and dragged myself back yesterday and today. Today I feel so tired. How sick was I? Well, I haven't been knitting, that 's how sick.

We are heading over to Edgar's Acres tomorrow night. I am looking forward to the to peace we find there.

We will all be fine, we just need time. Thanks to those of you who checked up on me. It helps to know you care.

Well, maybe I'll go knit a few rows ...


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